MathsCity is a MathsWorldUK production. MathsWorldUK aims to create the UK’s first National Mathematics Discovery Centre, an interactive space to explore the wonders of Mathematics.

Our vision at MathsCity is to excite and engage everyone, including the young, with the fascination and power of Mathematics. Its importance and influence in today’s world is everywhere you look, from helping us describe nature, explore space, combat climate change and much more.
The central role mathematics has played and will increasingly play in humankind’s cultural development, in the way we think, and in our understanding and control of the universe around us is awe inspiring, driving our enthusiasm to explore and share this through our interactive exhibits.
MathsCity is located in Trinity Leeds, shopping centre. We are near Trinity Kitchen on the first floor between Boots and the Customer Service lounge
Trinity shopping centre Albion St, Leeds LS1 5AT
MathsWorldUK is governed by a board of trustees and overseen by an executive committee.
Want to know about our policies
No human inquiry can be called science unless it pursues its path through mathematical exposition and demonstration.
Trinity shopping centre Albion St, Leeds LS1 5AT
Open in google maps
Opening times
Tues – Fri: 10am – 4pm
Sat – Sun: 10am – 5pm
Note we have added opening hours in the school holidays.
07469 195730
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